Equity at Wells Branch AIA

**Anonymous Survey** We don’t need to know your name. But, we are asking for demographic information so we can make sure we are hearing from everyone in our community. You can answer some or all questions. Any feedback is appreciated! English: https://forms.gle/65Ngc17x43W8sQZE6

** Encuesta anónima ** No necesitamos saber tu nombre. Sin embargo, estamos solicitando información demográfica para asegurarnos de que estamos escuchando a todos en nuestra comunidad. Puede responder algunas o todas las preguntas a continuación. ¡Se agradece cualquier comentario! Español: https://forms.gle/UJuDhC74qPcUowdx6

TEAM MISSION: Wells Branch PTA recognizes that our school and our organization are seated within a context of historic and ongoing systemic racism. We are working to listen to our school community to dismantle institutional barriers that exist within our organization and to use the PTA to help amplify the voices and needs of our most marginalized families. We pledge to:

  • stay engaged and listen carefully,
  • create safe, accessible spaces for community dialogue,
  • participate in dismantling discriminatory systems in our school and our organization, and to
  • persistently advocate for equal educational outcomes for those most impacted by systemic discrimination.

Next WBE PTA Equity Team Meeting: All community members are welcome!

5/12 canceled, 5/19 8am @ Ramos

WBE AIA PTA Equity Work: All community members are welcome to share their opinion!

Racial Equity Educational Resources: If you are new to the topic of Racial Equity! This is a great place to start! See the Professional Development Webinars presented by the RRISD Equity Task Force (ETF). Equity Task Force – YouTube

WBE PTA Equity Resource Library. Find recommend resources to grow on race, equity, and inclusion.

*Here is the newest addition to our library. Listen to a recent podcast about a Texas school board and a heated fight over a diversity plan, Southlake https://www.nbcnews.com/southlake-podcast

WBE AIA Campus Improvement Plan Documents: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B13hERGxqDqDSUFnM0FDbkh2X2c

Demographic and accountability information for Wells Branch AIA (scroll to the bottom of page): https://roundrockisd.org/schools/elementary/wells-branch/